December 8, 2023 • meta

Christmas is coming up, and to help me get into the holiday spirit, I have added a Christmas theme to my website. It's not 100% polished, but I think it's charming enough and looks quite good. I'm hoping on eventually adding themes to my site (I don't know completely how that will work), so maybe this will become a theme.
I also updated the blog archive, so it has a better theme, as well as a better user interface that feels less terrible and rushed to use. The new layout wasn't very optimized for mobile, so I quickly whipped together a special layout that appears on small screens. Instead of seeing a sidebar, you will just click on a page to read it, and it will popup in your current tab. The popup isn't the greatest looking thing out there, but hey, it works, I'm proud of it, and that's all that matters to me!
There was also a problem where I was starting to have too many buttons on the homepage, so I decided that I am going to rotate them out, and I now have a dedicated page for all the buttons I have featured. Check it out by clicking on the buttons link on the "more sites" section. Also feel free to increment my increment button, because why not?
I may not be able to update this site as much in the coming future because I am actually getting a job (again). But then again, I mostly update this site during tech class, so does it really matter that much?
I want to end this post by giving a shoutout to @fiskenflipp on Twitter, because I think that "Fisken" is a really cool name. That's the only reason.