HOEMPAGE REDESiGN - November 26, 2023


November 26, 2023

I suddenly remembered this site exists, so I decided that I wanted to make it look good. The old design was good, but it didn't really convey much personality, and the colors didn't really go well. I also didn't like how this site was basically just a linktree with some other pages on it. So, I'm working to change that!
A day ago, I completely redesigned the homepage, with a new look, design and premise. It is still a work in progress, but I think it looks nice. Here are a few things that are new:

So, what's next? First, I still have much more theming to do. Only really the main page and a subpage that I haven't even linked to yet have updated theming. Not everything needs to be themed, but I think at least the important pages should be. Next, I want more content to be on my website. Maybe that be uploading more games, or art, I don't know yet. I might also experiment with frame navigation, but that probably won't happen. Finally, I want a fake chat assistant on the site, to make fun of companies that say they use "AI" when in reality they just use an algorithm.
Well, that's it for my first update! See you eventually!