the Apple Vision Pro will die in a week

Feburary 6, 2024

i know trebuchet doesn't really fit the theme, im just in a trebuchet mood right now.

Wearing the Apple Vision Pro is like wearing a Rolex. Yeah, it has a function, but do you really care about that? So far, what does the headset do that your phone can't, other than be on your face? Because apps are locked in place to a physical spot, I cannot imagine there is any reason to be walking around the city wearing one, as that would be really hard to use.
Every use that I have seen for the headset, it's either in your house or really clunky. There was a Tweet I saw of some person using the headset for maps, and they had to hold the maps like walking a dog on a leash:

So far, the only benefit I can see to the headset would be television watching, accessibility, or privacy screens. With the exception of accessibility, you could already do these things. Privacy screen protectors exist, and so did noise cancelling.

can you just die already

At what point will people who can drop $3k get tired of having to wear a headset they can't even use in public? Everyone who sees someone wearing a headset in public thinks they're weird, and I doubt wearing headsets will become normalized anytime soon.
Whatever happens, I just can't wait until the first person gets robbed wearing one.